Far cry 3 enemies

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Far Cry 6 still has a great map to play in, but it could be better. That's not to say Far Cry 6 isn't fun, because it is. It's just a step back in a series that is normally known for an unparalleled level of freedom, and now feels bogged down in the name of 'having systems.' It's less of an emergent and dynamic game than previous entries, and many players may end up finding it more of an open world slog than they are accustomed to. Health bars, progression systems, and other unnecessary inclusions muddle Far Cry 6's combat - which is a shame. Far Cry 6 embraces many of the RPG elements that the series has slowly been implementing over the years, but it may have gone a bit too far for longtime Far Cry players.

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The latest entry in the open-world series builds upon the games that come before it, particularly Far Cry New Dawn.

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Ubisoft is known for sticking to some predictable formulas, and Far Cry 6is no exception to that.